The Dazzling Idea Content Template
The Dazzling Idea Content Template Have you ever had a really clever idea, It does not have to be lately. Just at some period of your life. This idea will form the topic of an article. This is how to use the Dazzling Idea Content Template: 1: Think back. Which great, brilliant, dazzling, clever idea…
Read MoreThe Craziest Thing Just Happened Content Template
The Craziest Thing Just Happened Content Template Crazy or funny things happens all the time, and your readers would love to learn about what you have encountered. It doesn’t have to be something that has happened just now. It could be crazy things you have done or tried when you first started out. Or some…
Read MoreThe Cool Kaizen Content Template
The Cool Kaizen Content Template You can really help your target audience with the article or blog post you are going to write, following this article template. Better yet… You are also going to help yourself, because you will be able to pinpoint exactly what gets you going, when you need that extra kick. You…
Read MoreThe Difficult Customer Content Template
The Difficult Customer Content Template If you have seen “Fawlty Tower” with John Cleese, you might have watched the episode where Mrs. Richards guested the hotel and complained about everything in the room. She is the personification of a difficult customer. How do you handle difficult customers in your niche, You don’t have to be…
Read MoreThe Dictionary Content Template
The Dictionary Content Template Using article templates is not only a means to getting a structure to your articles. It is also a huge inspiration source. This article template is one of my favorites, because it really drives your inner creative voice to the surface. This is how to use the Dictionary Content Template: 1:…
Read MoreThe Delicious Recipe Content Template
The Delicious Recipe Content Template Most people are familiar with the format of a cooking recipe. It always begins with the name of the dish, cookie, dessert, etc. After the name, there might be a short introduction. And then you get the list of ingredients. After that you can read an in-depth explanation about how…
Read MoreThe Congregate Content Template
The Congregate Content Template Social marketing is hot, and there are thousands of forums and Internet portals or services ready to welcome you to mingle with other people or take part in the debates there. You have niche-related forums, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and hundreds of other platforms where you can congregate with your fellow…
Read MoreThe Conference Webinar Content Template
The Conference / Webinar Content Template A lot of information products, even full length eBooks, have been produced based on something a person had learned from participating in a conference or a webinar. Have you ever attended a webinar or a conference and enjoyed it so much that you want to tell the world about…
Read MoreThe Clockwork Blues Content Template
The Clockwork Blues Content Template You might think that a topic like “rain” had nothing to do with your field of expertise, unless you are a professional rainmaker or a farmer. But even if you are an occasional blogger, rain could influence you more than you think. What does rain mean to you, Are you…
Read MoreThe Chip on Your Shoulder Content Template
The Chip on Your Shoulder Content Template If somebody hurt you intentionally or without wanting to, do you bear them a grudge, Or are you rather the forgive and forget type of person, Think about the advantages and the disadvantages to being either. This is how to use the Chip on Your Shoulder Content Template:…
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