The Conference / Webinar Content Template
A lot of information products, even full length eBooks, have been produced based on something a person had learned from participating in a conference or a webinar.
Have you ever attended a webinar or a conference and enjoyed it so much that you want to tell the world about it,
This is how to use the Conference / Webinar Content Template:
1: Choose a conference or webinar you enjoyed.
2: Pick the three main things you learned from this conference or webinar.
3: Come up with an interesting, benefit-related headline.
4: Write an introduction to your article. Tell your readers which conference or webinar you attended, and who the hosts were.
5: List the three main things you chose to write about in this article.
6: Elaborate on each of the three things, and tell your readers why you find this important.
7: Would you recommend that your readers join similar events in the future, If so, then explain why. If not, then explain why not.
8: Summon up your article in the conclusion, and lead into your resource box, if you are writing for article syndication, traffic or back links.