
how to improve
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half price
how to sell


Small Businesses – Why Retailers Are Going Digital
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

The retail landscape is changing, and with it so are the needs of small business owners. That’s why this article from Entrepreneur.com explores how retailers are going digital to better serve their customers.

10 Things You Can Do To Cut Costs to Help Your Small Business Grow
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

These strategies can help you save money and time while growing your business. They’ll help you plan, organize, and pay for what costs you the least.

5 Questions to Ask Before You Launch a Blog
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

The right questions will help you understand your audience and shape your content, but at the same time, the wrong questions can stymie your startup or make you seem like an amateur.

Four Ways to Outsource Your Work
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

There are many ways to outsource your work. The line between a full time employee and an independent contractor varies by industry, but the basic idea is the same: someone else can do part of your work for you.

How to Build a Small Business Brand That You Can Be Proud Of
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Most people are not aware that they have a brand. They don’t know how to define it, let alone what makes it special for them. A brand can be defined as “a person’s or organization’s reputation or image.

How to Start a Successful Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Not all small business ideas are equal. Some can successfully launch and thrive, while others fail before the ink is even dry on the business plan. Regardless of your particular idea, there are several important steps you need to take before launching your business.

The Small Business Owner’s Guide to Digital Marketing
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Ever notice how every small business owner seems to be on Facebook? But what most of them don’t tell you is that the majority of their digital marketing efforts are a waste of time.

The 8 Essential Things Every Small Business Needs to Know
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Prepare your business for success by using the following tips from today’s guest, Steve Palazzolo.

17 Ways to Grow Your Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Now that you’re a small business owner, it’s time to grow your company. We’ll help you do so by sharing practical tips and tricks for growing your small business.

Is your site too small for an e-commerce store?
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

When you’re just starting out, it’s easy to focus on the business side of things and let the website fall behind. But before you get too comfortable, make sure you have a robust form of sales and marketing to support your e-commerce venture.

Small Businesses Still Face Credit Problems
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

While some small businesses have managed to get their credit ratings up to an acceptable level, the majority of non-rated businesses are still struggling. About half of all small business owners are finding it difficult to secure credit and about a third of them have been turned down by lenders.

5 Social Media Mistakes Small Businesses Make
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

As a small business, you can’t afford to make even one marketing mistake.

How to Buy a Business? 5 Hidden Costs.
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Buying a business is an important decision for any entrepreneur. It’s also one that can be riddled with costs and hidden fees. In addition, buying a business can be quite a complex process, involving many steps (and potential pitfalls) that are often out of the control of the seller.

10 Power Tips to Launch a Successful Shopify Store
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

It’s easy to forget how important great branding is, especially when you’re just getting started. But branding is a powerful tool that can help your company grow and take on new challenges.

5 Tips To Help Your Small Business With Its Marketing
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Small businesses can be a bit more challenging to market than larger organizations, due to their small size and unique offerings.

How to Start a Business Without Any Money
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

While there’s no shortage of article and blog posts about launching a business online, few focus on the budget part. With the help of this article, you’ll know how to launch a successful new business without any money.

5 Mistakes Small Businesses Make With Social Media
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

While it’s tempting to jump head-first into social media, many business owners still struggle with a lack of knowledge when it comes to the finer points of social media marketing. Here are five common mistakes that small businesses make when using social media, and how you can avoid them if you want to see success.

Ecommerce Platforms that Drive Ecommerce Growth
By: Bjarne Eldhuset


9 Small Businesses That Need to Make a Facebook Page Addition
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Facebook is one of the most used social media platforms for small businesses, and while many business owners aren’t sure how to use it or even know it’s a necessity, these nine businesses need to make creating a Facebook page a priority.

How to Use Facebook Advertising to Create a Full-Time Income
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Facebook has over 1.5 billion users, making it one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience. But with so many ads competing for attention, you have to be creative if you want to get noticed. Here’s how top marketing professionals use Facebook ads to generate a full-time income from their businesses.

11 Cool Social Media Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Small business owners are constantly bombarded with advice about how to market their product or service. And it’s hard to know what to believe — especially when a bunch of contradictory ideas are being thrust in your face.

10 Tips to Help Small Businesses Make the Most of Facebook
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Facebook is great for small businesses, and there are endless ways they can use it to grow their brand. But many business owners are guilty of making some mistakes that could be hurting their efforts. Before you get started, make sure you do all these ten things first .

5 Ways to Start a Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Are you thinking about starting a small business? If you think that you can’t do it on your own, think again. It doesn’t need to be difficult. In fact, the process is quite easy and only requires some planning and effort.

How to Get More Customers Through Facebook
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

How to Get More Customers Through Twitter

7 Things You Can Do Right Now To Improve Your Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

With so much to do and so little time to do it, it’s no surprise that your small business needs some help. These 7 simple steps will ensure that your small business is on track — and on the road to success!

4 Things to Consider Before Choosing Your Company Name
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Your company name is in many ways the single most important decision you make as a startup. This goes beyond just being readable, catchy or memorable. It’s also critical to your brand and, ultimately, your business success.

5 Reasons why you should use a blog to promote your business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Blogging can be one of the most important tools for small businesses. It’s a way to share information with the public and build trust, as well as a tremendous opportunity to cultivate relationships.

The New Rule: The Internet Is No Place for Small Businesses
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Only a few years ago, small businesses were the only ones who were making money on the internet.

The 30 Best Small Business Websites
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

The web can be a treacherous place for small businesses. But when you’ve got the right tools, it can also be an incredible place to connect with customers and grow your business. Here, we’ve collected the best small business websites so you don’t have to waste time searching for them.

5 Ways to Boost Your Small Business’ Social Media Presence and Increase Sales
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Social media can increase sales for your small business. It’s easy to get started with Facebook, Twitter and other social networks, but without a plan in place, these marketing tools can easily be wasted on gaining fans and followers without driving traffic or generating leads.

Everything You Need to Know About the Small Business Credit Card
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

As a small business owner, you want to be able to accept credit cards in order to receive the benefits associated with credit card processing. There are advantages of accepting credit cards, including increased sales, increased revenue, and better customer service.

How to create a small business blog that generates leads, customers and sales
By: Bjarne Eldhuset


How To Build a Professional Brand for Your Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Most small businesses have a hard time building their brands. It’s not that they don’t want to, but that they don’t know how. The truth is that branding is all about creating the impression of professionalism and trustworthiness. But it isn’t always easy to do, even for the best companies in the world.

The Ultimate Guide to Being a Small Business Marketing Rock Star
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

You don’t have to be a rock star to make a great impression on your customers. It’s all about smart planning, and making sure you’re maximizing your efforts for every dollar you spend. Find out how to make the most of your marketing dollars by reading this article.

Stop Being a Victim of Your Own Success!
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

There are a lot of things that can go wrong when you first start a business: A product doesn’t sell, your supplier goes out of business, or worse. But most small-business owners have found their own solutions to these problems without ever having to deal with an outside expert.

5 Essential Elements of a Successful SBA Loan Application
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

We just covered how to apply for a small business loan, and whether you’ll be eligible.

The 7 Most Common Mistakes Small Businesses Make
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

It’s that time of year when we ask the question, “What did you do this year for your small business?” This is a great time to reflect on what worked, what didn’t, and how to make improvements for 2014.

How to Create a Successful eCommerce Website
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Ecommerce is the future. It’s easier than ever to get started, and it’s becoming a lot more profitable. But there are still a few things you can do to help ensure your business has not only the best technology, but also an effective website where people can easily find, buy and return products.

The 10 Small Businesses That Dominate eCommerce
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

An entire industry can be built around selling to small businesses. It’s estimated that over half of all purchases are made by companies with 1-50 employees, and that the retail market in general is worth over $1.3 trillion annually .

Small Businesses Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Use Social Media
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

If you’re a small business owner, you may be wary of using social media for fear of looking like a “fanboy” or “nerd.” But there’s no need to worry.

9 Ways to Save Money on Your Marketing Campaign
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

These are the top ways small businesses can save money on their marketing campaign.

How to start a small business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Today I’ll be talking about how to start a small business, or in other words, what steps you should take to get started. Before we get started though, it’s important that you understand that owning your own business is not the same as being an entrepreneur.

10 Things Every Small Business Should Know
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

If you’re a small business owner, chances are you’ve heard plenty of advice about what makes a successful business. However, it can be tough to separate the good from the bad. Here are 10 things that make up successful businesses.

How I Turned $5,000 Into a Million Dollar Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

When it comes to turning an idea into a business, success is often dependent on the size of the idea. Small or big, seed-stage or post-revenue — there’s no shortcut to converting your idea into a business.

5 of the Best Resources on Small Business Marketing
By: Bjarne Eldhuset


Do you Have To Pay Taxes On Online Sales?
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

If you’re a small business owner, you may not have realized that your business doesn’t have to charge tax on online sales. Well, it does. Here’s how to avoid taxes on online sales and keep your cash in the bank.

5 Simple Ways to Create a Social Media Plan for Your Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Taking the time to create a social media plan can help you get ahead of the curve and set your business up for success. Here are five simple ways to turn your small business into a social media powerhouse.

How to Select the Right Social Media Platform for Your Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

While social media is a great way to connect with customers, there are a few things you should consider before selecting your social media platform.

How to Build a Successful Online Store With or Without a Website
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

There are many ways to start an online store. But what’s the best way to jumpstart your business? We’ve outlined what we consider to be the most effective, efficient, and viable methods.

4 Key Steps to Growing Your Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Why do we work so hard at growing our small businesses? Because we love what we do. But with all of the effort and focus that goes into growing a small business, it’s easy to forget about the day-to-day tasks that require upkeep.

How to Build a Great Blog: A Step-by-Step Guide
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Post Intro: The best blogs generate lots of free traffic, attract loyal readers, and build a loyal following. But building a blog can be tricky. If you’re a small business looking to start a blog or grow your existing one, here are nine things you need to think about before starting.

How to Be Successful in the Digital World
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

The internet is not just a place to find stocking stuffers and cool gifts. It’s also an amazing marketing tool that can help you reach your target audience. Here are a few ways you can use it to get your business noticed.

How to Get More Customers for Your Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Knowing the cost of business is important for any small business. But it’s even more critical if you want to grow your customer base and increase profits.

3 steps to growing your small business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

To be successful in running a small business, you need to know certain things. You need to have a plan, you need to get out there and sell your product or service, and you need to keep up with the industry. It’s not always easy and it’s not always simple!

How Small Businesses Should Use Social Media
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Intro: In our world of social media, the term “small business” can refer to a huge range of organizations, from large corporations with millions of dollars in revenue to small startups that are just getting started. Regardless of the size of your company, there are things you can do to get more out of social media.

How to Use Social Media to Help Your Small Business Grow
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

There are a lot of reasons to use social media as a means to grow your small business, but the most obvious is that it’s free. But even free social media isn’t always the best choice. Controlling who sees your content by curating it can help people understand your brand and find what they seek.

Small Businesses Can Benefit from Social Media
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Small business owners are often reluctant to embrace social media because they worry about being overwhelmed by too many options. The good news is that you don’t need to be an expert in social media to take advantage of it.

Small Business Marketing: A Complete Guide
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Small businesses often assume that their marketing efforts are too small to matter. But if you want to grow your business and make a profit, you must market your company to attract potential customers and build sales, rather than spending your time trying to sell your product or service alone.

How to Start a Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

And so it is that we start our journey into starting and running a small business. In this article, we’ll look at some of the steps you’ll want to take, from creating a business plan for your company to deciding what type of business you want to run.

The Top 10 Tips to Starting an Online Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

The 10 tips for starting an online business include everything from setting goals and money management, to the best tools you can get your hands on.

How to Start a Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

When it comes to starting a business, there are plenty of myths that seem to circulate through the small-business community.

Do You Have a Fax Machine That You’re Not Using?
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Do you have a fax machine in your office that you rarely use? Or are you surprised to learn that even though over 95 percent of all U.S.

How To Stop Making Excuses For Not Having a Business Plan
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

You’ve been thinking about starting a business. But you’ve been putting it off because you don’t know where to begin. Or you are scared of how much work it will be, and you just want to get rich quick. Don’t do it!

How to Profit from the Small Business Revolution
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

There’s an abundance of promising small-business opportunities flowing from the current economic and technological climate. In this article, we explore some of them, including the latest in web design creation, e-commerce and mobile apps.

How to Start a Mobile Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

The small business owner might not have the time or resources to start and maintain an online store from day one—but that doesn’t mean he or she is without options. This article will outline three strategies for starting a mobile business from the ground up, and give you examples of how other small businesses have done it.

23 Tips to Grow Your Business with Facebook Advertising
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

You want to grow your business. That’s why you’re spending more and more time and money on Facebook ads. But a lot of what you’ve heard about Facebook ads has been wrong, or at least incomplete. If you want to make Facebook ads work for your small business, you need this information.

The Best Way to Get Customers on Facebook
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

The best way to get customers onto your Facebook page is to build a relationship with current customers. Here’s how you can use email marketing and social media as a powerful tool for generating leads, building trust, and ultimately converting website visitors into sales.

The Complete Guide to Small Business Marketing for Beginners
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

If you’re new to the exciting world of small business, you’ve probably got a lot of questions about marketing and business planning.

How To Start a Small Business Without Breaking the Bank
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Starting a small business often involves a number of sacrifices. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are some tips on how to start a business without breaking the bank.

The Top 7 Mistakes of Small Businesses That Drive Them Astray
By: Bjarne Eldhuset


7 Small Business Mistakes That Cost Your Business Big Bucks
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

For starters, not understanding how to use the right technology is a mistake that can cripple your small business. This blog post looks at seven common mistakes that could have been prevented if you’d just taken the time to learn about how to use online technology for marketing.

5 Tips For Growing Your Small Business Online
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

There are a lot of ways to grow your small business online. Whether it’s through social media or blogging, you’ll want to think about how these different platforms can work together for the best results. This information comes straight from the pros at MarketingSherpa, a blog dedicated to growing businesses using social media.

16 Ways to Get More Leads To Your Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Although small business owners often take pride in their individual successes, they’re often hesitant to share their businesses with new prospects. But there’s no need for shame — sharing can be a win-win situation, helping you build your brand and attract more clients.

5 Simple Ways to Use Social Media Tools to Grow Your Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

For many business owners, the idea of using social media can seem overwhelming. There are so many tools to choose from and too much information about each platform. While it may seem like overkill, there are actually plenty of ways you can use social media tools to grow your business.

6 Things You Should Know About Small Business Loans
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Small businesses, startups, and even established companies often struggle with the cost of financing. If you’re looking to expand your business, start-up or purchase a new piece of equipment for your workplace, there are many options available to you.

How to Use Twitter to Build Your Brand
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Twitter is a great way to build your brand and connect with followers. The more you share and engage, the more you can attract an audience for yourself and your business. Here are some tips on how to use Twitter to promote your brand.

How to become a Facebook Marketing Genius
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

You can’t just start any business. You need a business plan, checklists and all the support you need to get off on the right foot. The first thing you need to know is how to use Facebook Marketing effectively at this stage in your company’s life.

How to Start a Small Business with Less Than $10,000 Starting Capital
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

It’s not easy starting a business with less than $10,000 in capital and the odds are against you. But if you have the right tools and a sound plan, it’s possible to start a business that will make you money within six months of its launch.

Small Business Marketing That Can WOW Customers and Grow Your Revenue
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

5 Ways to Go from $0 to $100k in 4 Months

9 Things You Should Never Say to a Small Business Owner
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

As businesses grow, there are several things that people often say that can unintentionally harm the relationship between the company and its customers. Here are some of the most common things you should never say to a small business owner.

What’s the Difference Between A Small Business And A Startup?
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

The term “small business” is thrown around with increasing frequency, and it can be difficult for the average person to identify exactly what it means.

How to Create a Successful Small Business Blog
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Introduction: Successful small business blogs are not only an important tool for attracting customers and generating leads, but they also provide valuable social proof for potential clients. In this post, we will show you how to create a successful small business blog.

7 Ways to Start a Small Business and Be Successful
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

There are a lot of reasons to start a small business. The freedom, personal growth, and financial rewards are a few.

5 Reasons to Switch From a Small Business Bank Account to a Large Business Account
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Banks assume that when you’re starting out, you’re more concerned with the bottom line than your customers. They offer low interest rates and affordable fees on small business accounts, but charging you for services that are unnecessary is what costs you money.

How Small Businesses Can Use Facebook To Generate Leads
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

As a small business owner, do you use social media to grow your business? If not, you’re missing out on some powerful tools for marketing and sales. Read this article to learn how to use Facebook as an effective lead generation tool.

7 Ways to Grow Your Business Using Social Media
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

The great news is, we’re living in a time of unprecedented access for those seeking to grow their small business online. In fact, there are more avenues than ever before for you to connect with potential customers and drive sales.

10 Ways To Get More Sales With Twitter
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned Twitter veteran, you’ve probably wondered how to get more sales on Twitter. The good news is that there are some proven tactics you can use to start generating sales for your business. Here are a few suggestions for how to get more sales on Twitter.

7 Resources for Starting a Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Small businesses can be an important part of our economy, but they’re not immune from the challenges and struggles we all face. To help you overcome these challenges, here are 7 resources that will help you start your small business.

10 Tips for Starting a Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Whether you’re just starting out on your own, or have years of experience in a variety of fields, small business can be an exciting way to make a living — and sometimes even generate a profit. But it can also be tricky to navigate. Borrowing from the best practices of larger companies can help you succeed at any scale.

Auf Wiedersehen To Competition
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

The party is over. You’ve been invited to a trade show. The conference looks great on paper but could it be too big for your small business? It is definitely possible to do well at a large trade show, but it won’t happen without planning and preparation.

How to Use Twitter to Grow Your Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

There are lots of ways to utilize Twitter for business; this article gives you the top nine.

Is Your Small Business Worth Big Bucks?
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

If you’re running a small business, the answer is possibly. A recent study done by Entrepreneur Magazine suggests that small businesses that are worth more than $1 million in revenues have a much higher chance of going public than companies with less than $20 million in revenue.

How to Begin Your Own Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Being a small business owner can be a lot of hard work and tedious tasks. However, the benefits are well worth it. Here are some steps you need to take to begin your own small business.

10 Reasons to Switch Your Business From a Traditional Small Business Model to an Online Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Small businesses frequently find themselves struggling with the same obstacles that many large companies face. They lack the resources, knowledge or flexibility of their larger counterparts. In fact, these factors often reinforce a small business model rather than erasing it.

5 Things to Remember When Starting a Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

The thought of starting a business can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be.

Top 5 Tips for Creating an Online Shop
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Creating a digital store can be one of the most important tasks of running a small business. In fact, it’s often the first step to establishing your brand identity and building your online presence.

How to Create a Product that Drives Sales
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Intro: To get the most out of your product, it’s important to know what your customers want and how they react to different features. After all, you’d be surprised at how many companies make products that no one wants.

10 Tips to Start a Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Small business is a tough road for many entrepreneurs, but it doesn’t have to be. There are many ways to start, and there are plenty of resources available, from classes on the internet to books and training tapes.

7 Things You Should Know Before Starting Your Blog
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

The internet has changed everything, so why not use it to grow your business? That’s exactly what my friend Sarah Edwards did.  In this post, she shares her experiences of starting a blog and gives tips for getting started.

35 Small Business Marketing Ideas
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Small Business Marketing is much more than the occasional Facebook share or Google+ post. It’s about how you promote your business, create content and interact with customers and potential clients. If you want to create a successful small business, then you need to learn how to market effectively.

Small Businesses Are Losing Millions to Malware Attacks
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

A recent report by the Ponemon Institute has found that small businesses are falling victim to malware attacks at an alarming rate. The fact is, a small business can’t afford to lose any money at all.

The Top 5 E-commerce Mistakes to Avoid
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Successful e-commerce businesses should always be striving for new sales and upselling their customers. One way to do this is with outstanding customer service, but you can also use social media to build awareness of your business and encourage customers to purchase.

5 Simple Tips To Grow Your Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Learning how to grow your small business is a huge milestone on the road to success. But for those of you who are just starting out, there are some simple things you can do today that will help your business grow and flourish into the future.

Why you don’t need an expensive marketing plan to launch a successful online business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

It’s easy to become discouraged when so-called “experts” in your field tell you that you need a $100,000 marketing budget to get started. In reality, doing it yourself is the only way to make sure your business is successful.

How to Grow Your Business Without Spending a Dime
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

It’s never easy growing a business. In fact, starting one that’s successful is even harder. Many entrepreneurs find themselves spending thousands of dollars before the first dollar is made.

How to Start a Small Business From Home
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Whether you’re trying to start out on your own or move from an existing job, starting a small business can be an exciting and rewarding experience. There are many things to consider before launching your business — and that’s where this article comes in handy.

5 Ways To Use Livestreaming To Help Your Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Livestreaming is a form of video sharing that allows viewers to connect directly with you. If you are not familiar with this medium, here are 5 ways that you can use Livestreaming to help your business.

5 Things I Did to Grow My Small Business by 35%
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

While small business has always been a passion for me, it didn’t hit my radar until somewhat recently. After graduating from college in 2009, I was lucky enough to land a job with a company that had just gone public and was looking for the next wave of top talent.

10 Essential Free Resources for Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

There are plenty of paid resources that will help you learn more about business, marketing, and social media. But there’s also a ton of free stuff on the web that can help you put your new ideas into action — all without spending one cent.

The 10 Best Small Business Blogs For Your Online Presence
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

If you’re going to be creating content for your online business, there’s a lot to consider. Chances are your audience will come from multiple platforms and sources. But with the small business blog, you’ll have one place that everyone can access to get all the information about your brand.

6 Months Of Success As A Small Business Owner
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

I launched a small business last year. It was my first venture, and I have to admit that I wasn’t prepared for the amount of work and stress involved. After six months, it’s safe to say that the experience has been positive up to this point and I’m happy with my progress.

10 Small Businesses That Made $1 Million in the Last 12 Months
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

It’s a new year and that means it’s time to ask ourselves some important questions.

How to Create a Successful Facebook Page for Your Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Don’t let the number of users on your Facebook page deter you. While 1,000 fans may not seem like a lot, the vast majority of online businesses don’t even get that close. In fact, the average small business has fewer than 50 fans!

Five Pitfalls of Social Media for Small Businesses
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

For years, small businesses have used social media to connect with their customers and drive sales. But there are a few traps that can trip up even the savviest of social media mavens. Learn what you need to avoid so your business can reap what it’s sowing.

How to Make an Awesome Thank You Page
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

A thank you page is important, especially when it comes to encouraging your customers to return. Not just any thank you page will do though.

Small Business Marketing: The 3 Ds of Marketing
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Most small business owners can’t afford to hire a marketing firm on the side of their business. But they can benefit from the kind of marketing that’s free or very low cost.

This is how you can lose a customer in 5 minutes or less
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

How can you be so sure your current marketing initiatives are working? After all, you have no control over the actions of other brands, customers or media. You only have one chance to make your case.

10 Mistakes That Will Kill Your Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

The first step to starting a small business is to think big. Very big. Once you’ve got that vision in place, the next step is to think small. But you can’t do either of those things without understanding your customers and your market.

6 Profitable Small Business Ideas
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

We’ve all seen the commercials for small business owners that seem to get paid everyday for doing absolutely nothing. Those commercials make us believe that running a business can be as easy as working on our laptops in between naps. But they are wrong.

How to Get More Organic Traffic Using Social Media
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Are you struggling with getting more organic traffic?

5 Reasons Small Businesses Should Pay for a Professional Graphic Designer
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Technology is constantly evolving, and so are the tools we use to communicate. In today’s world of social media, websites, and mobile apps, it’s important to have a professional graphic designer on your team.

How to Start a Successful Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

If you want to start a successful small business, you need the right tools. Here are the top 5 mistakes that most small business owners make and our recommendations for solutions.

30 Small Businesses That Dominate the World
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

The world is more competitive than ever. Thirty small businesses dominate the world and are worth over $30 billion, according to a new report from Biz2Credit.com.

How to Run a Successful, High-Volume Store on Shopify
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

In a time when you can spend $100,000+ on YouTube advertising and Facebook ads, why would you want to run a store that costs less than $1,000?

How to Manage Your Time Like a Pro
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

According to a recent study, the average American worker spends almost 10 hours of their day on tasks that have nothing to do with work. That’s just time spent in meetings, on the phone, and through email — never mind all the other things we’re doing that don’t really add up as productive time.

The 6 Most Common Mistakes That Small Business Owners Make
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

A new report published by the Small Business Association states that small business owners make a few common mistakes that are costing them money. Here are some of the most common pitfalls.

7 Key Ingredients of a Great Small Business Website
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

The website is the face of your small business. It’s the first place a potential customer will look to learn more about you and what you do.

Is Your Small Business Ready for the Future?
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

If you’re a small business owner, you’ve probably heard the buzz about virtual assistants. In fact, some of the biggest technology companies in the world have been using virtual assistants to handle tasks and provide support to their employees for years now.

5 Proven Ways To Lose Money and Customers Using Facebook Ads
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Many small businesses have been under the impression that they could use Facebook ads to market their products and services. But despite the number of business owners who are convinced that they can achieve results with these ads, there are a few aspects of Facebook advertising that many business owners don’t understand.

How to Get Your First 1000 Customers
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

There are many options for marketing your small business, but no matter what route you choose, there will be a lot of trial and error. This post will cover the four main ways to get customers.

Biggest Mistakes Small Business Owners Make When Starting a Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

One of the biggest mistakes that small business owners make when starting a business is not investing in their online presence.

4 Steps to Making Your Small Business a Success
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

After many years of running my own small business, I have come across a few mistakes that should be avoided at all costs. I know myself and my business well enough to know what works and what doesn’t. Here are four simple steps for making your small business successful.

The Ultimate Guide to Small Business Websites
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

The web is a terrible place for storing and sharing information. With no central repository of knowledge, it’s difficult to find what you’re looking for. And with the explosion of new sites and content every day, it’s even more difficult to keep track of which information is credible and authoritative.

How to Start a Business Without Leaving Your Home
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Want to start your own business without leaving your home? Yes, you can. And no, it’s not as hard to do as you might think. In fact, with the right approach, it’s easier than ever before.

12 Small Business Marketing Mistakes to Avoid
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

When it comes to marketing your small business, there are many common mistakes that you can avoid. This article discusses 12 common small business marketing mistakes that you should consider avoiding in your own marketing efforts.

Small Businesses Could Be the Key to Your Next Big Customer
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

The number of small businesses has been growing steadily for years — and new research from eMarketer shows they could be the key to your next big customer.

30 Awesome Small Businesses and Startups We Love
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

The internet is a great place for small businesses to get exposure, secure customers, build brand recognition, and generate leads. But with so many websites out there it’s hard to tell which ones are worth following, or which ones are doing their thing right.

5 Tips to Help Your Small Business Grow This Holiday Season
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

In the spirit of New Year’s resolutions, one of the best things you can do for your small business is to set goals. If you’re looking for a game plan that will get you to the next level, check out these easy ideas for boosting your business in 2017.

What to Do When Your Small Business Needs a Website
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Are you a small business owner without a website? You’re not alone. Many small businesses don’t have a website, and the ones that do often make the mistake of trying to do it themselves.

The 8 Biggest Mistakes Small Business Owners Make
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

“Small business owners are often so busy running their companies that they have no time to think about how they’re presenting themselves in a business setting,” says Mitch Joel, author of “The Book ofberman.” This is why he suggests taking a few steps to make sure your small business is presenting itself professionally.

25 Brilliant Social Media Tips for Small Businesses
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Google announced an update to its search algorithm last week, and experts say the changes will have a significant impact on the organic search results that small businesses see on Google.

How to use Facebook advertising with your small business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Even though Facebook is now the top social platform for most small businesses, there’s still a lot to learn about its ad system. Facebook ads are complex and feature-rich, but they’re also designed to be simple and intuitive. With a little understanding of the platform, you’ll be able to get up and running in no time.

How to save your small business from the evil of marketing
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

It’s important to protect your business against the evil marketing, but it’s not easy. Here are five tips how to save your small business from the evil of marketing.

How To: Market Your Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

The small business owner is often left playing catch-up when it comes to marketing. And while there are many tools available, most of them fall short of their promise. In this article, you’ll learn how to hack social media and increase your business’s visibility—without spending a dime on marketing!

5 Ways to Reduce Tax Bill Without Losing Your Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

You might be able to reduce your taxes by as much as 40% without losing your business, according to the IRS. The following tips will help you reduce your tax bill and boost your bottom line.

50 Simple Ways to Build a Successful Social Media Presence for Your Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

With social media, it’s easy to overlook the importance of developing a social media strategy and cultivating that presence. But if you do nothing else, make sure you’ve made the time to get your profile set up, and start posting on all of your preferred channels.

How to Make a Successful Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Many people don’t understand the difference between small business and small business owners. They equate the two as the same thing, or they see them as two separate entities — but they’re not. There are many different kinds of companies that fall under this category, and it takes special knowledge to know what’s important when starting a business.

6 Ways To Create a Great Small Business Website
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Your website is your storefront. In order for it to succeed, you need to know what you’re doing. Creating a great website requires some simple steps — and after reading this post, you’ll have everything you need to create an amazing site that can help your small business thrive.

The Right Way to Launch a Campaign
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

The right way to launch a campaign is not the most exciting way. It involves doing the basics and selling based on the fundamentals.

How to Launch a Successful Small Business
By: Bjarne Eldhuset

Whether you’re just getting started or have been in the business for years, starting a small business can be daunting. It’s important to remember that success isn’t measured by the number of people who come through your door or by how much inventory you sell.

1 Step 1


Who did that?
What happened?
Where did it take place?
When did it take place?
Why did that happen?
How did it happen?

How far? 
How long? 
How much? 
How many?
How come?
Why not?
Why didn't?