00108_The Keyword Problem Content Template
The Keyword Problem Content Template Have you ever had a problem you wanted to solve, Like all of a sudden, you couldn’t save pictures to your WordPress blog, or you had to charge the battery daily on your iPhone, What did you do to solve the problem, Unless you could be very specific, you probably…
Read More00107_The Keep Track of Your Goals Content Template
The Keep Track of Your Goals Content Template It is good to have goals. And you probably start on new projects from time to time with a specific goal in mind. But how do you keep yourself accountable for achieving your goals, What tools do you use, What means do you employ, This is how…
Read More00106_The Julius Caesar Content Template
The Julius Caesar Content Template Now, old Julius was well-known for all his quotes. Who does not know “I came, I saw, I conquered” or “The die is cast”, But what does Julius Caesar have to do with article templates, you might ask, Everything, I answer. And I will show you. This is how to…
Read More00105_The Jedi Content Template
The Jedi Content Template “May the Force be with you!” You can actually point your readers to the areas within your niche where they can find exceptionally much force. This is how to use the Jedi Content Template: 1: Choose your topic around a source of force within your niche. 2: Come up with an…
Read More00104_The In-the-News Content Template
The In-the-News Content Template Most people watch the news and know what’s happening around the world. They like to be up-to-date, and a lot of people are also curious about the life of famous actors, singers, and so on. You can use that interest to make an intriguing article where you make a connection between…
Read More00103_The Interviewee Content Template
The Interviewee Content Template Whom do you look up to in your niche, Who can teach you a lot about it, In other words: If you could ask any question, you liked, whom would you chose to put them to, After you have written this article, you could take this plan into action. Find out…
Read More00102_The Interview Content Template
The Interview Content Template Journalists do it all the time, and people gobble up that kind of articles. Strangely enough, this is not a form that many Internet article writers use. When you’re conducting an interview and write about it, you obtain two major advantages: * You don’t have to know it all yourself. *…
Read MoreThe Amish Life Style Content Template
The Amish Life Style Content Template We can hardly imagine how life would have been without computers, iPads, smart phones, Internet and all the other technology we are surrounded by. There are people today, who live in that way and survive very well. They use no electricity, no cars, no modern technology at all. They…
Read MoreMy Awesome Blueprint Content Template
My Awesome Blueprint Content Template You can use this kind of template for forum posts, blog posts, or articles. It’s typical an article your audience will love you for. It’s the kind of article that if you post it on a forum, it will become sticky, and people will rate it with many stars. You…
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