who do
which aren't
how to deal with
what wouldn't
how to conquer
how to eliminate
A good death includes your last words
A home setting is best
Age does not make you more or less valuable
Aging is optional
Aging, death, disease all part of life
Ambiguous time periods, longevity period, end of life period
As hard as it may be be supportive to the last…
Ask yourself, what is your legacy?
Be a good friend to everybody
Be aware of the stereotypes
Be grateful for all you have and the love
Be present and enjoy the moment
Be secure in death
Begin writing your legacy
Being sad about it won’t change anything
Choose how you will spend your time and what to focus on
Considering a pet? A dog could help with symptoms of dementia, loss and loneliness
Cremation is more affordable
Deal with illness and suffering
Death is a great equalizer
Death is not the end of life, it is a part of life
Delegate and ask for help
Discuss your feelings with others throughout the process
Do something today that makes tomorrow easier for those who care about you when you can’t care for yourself
Do things that you will enjoy remembering for the rest of your life
Don’t be afraid of the unknown
Don’t be afraid to be different than traditional funerals
Don’t forget about life insurance, burial and estate planning
Don’t do it alone
Don’t lose yourself in others
Don’t wait for things to happen
Don’t wait to start enjoying life
Dying can be beautiful
Dying is a natural process
Ease into your role as caregiver
Enjoy each day
Enjoy life as much as you can right now
Explore what death means to you personally
Families can get closer through focusing on care and planning
Family and loved ones can make things worse
Family medical history is important
Find each client’s “equilibrium ” to speak about
Find out who will take care of your children if
Find purpose in the process
Find ways to create meaning in your life
Follow the beat of your own
Funerals are
Get your affairs in order during your lifetime
Growing old is not the same as dying
Have ‘The Talk’ with your parents and loved ones about their end of life and financial plans
Have a support network
Honor their wishes as
Honor your culture
If you have time for a last gesture, your family will understand
If you know that you will die, there is nothing to fear
If you plan to get married, do it when you are healthy and not when you
Individuals who process these concepts differently have different concerns/pain points when speaking about these ideas
It is a part of life
It’s never too early to start making plans for your own death
It’s inevitable
It’s never too early to think about it
It’s not going to happen to you
It’s okay to think about it
Its OK to be afraid of death and to wish to avoid it
Keep lines of communication open
Keep yourself busy and active
Learn to be grateful for everything
Let life happen to you
Life can be very good
Life happens in cycles
Life insurance isn’t necessary
Life isn’t fair
Live each day as if it were your last and live with no regrets
Live each day to the fullest
Live in the moment
Live like you are dying, without regrets
Love and forgive everyone
Make daily life more important than tomorrow’s plans
Make informed decisions about how you want to be remembered
Make plans
Move closer to family and friends
None of us are getting out alive
Nurture important relationships first
On a scale of 1 to 10, it’s an 8
Outsource as much as possible
Plant trees in your children or grandchildren’s name
Prepare for grief
Recognize that living
Remain open to possibilities
Rid yourself of debt
Say “I love you” often
Spiritual and Intellectual Changes
Stay engaged with life
Surround yourself with people that
Take care of your body like it
Take care of your health
Take in and enjoy life while you can
Take time to grieve
Talk about death openly
Talk about it sooner, not later
The burden of death is a waste of time
The dead don’t care about the living
The fear of death is worse than death itself
The last weeks or months might be hard on all concerned
There are many different ways to die, it’s not all about cancer
There are multiple options for end of life care
There is no clearly defined finish line
There is no one correct way to handle death and dying
To live and die well you must prepare
Try new adventures often
Understand the different types of changes; e.g., biological, cognitive, social (culture), spiritual change, including concept of loss
Value your independence while planning for the future
Value your time
When it’s time to
Wisdom, not age, makes us wise
You are never fully prepared for it
You are not your body
You cannot stop, control or even slow down age
You don’t need to go all in at the start
You don’t have to have a funeral
You’ll learn more than you’d think
Your 20’s and 30’s are the best years of your life
Who did that?
What happened?
Where did it take place?
When did it take place?
Why did that happen?
How did it happen?
How far?
How long?
How much?
How many?
How come?
Why not?
Why didn't?