# The Step Out of My Comfort Zone Article Template
We quickly build routines in our lives. We get up at around the same time every morning. We start our day in the same was as yesterday, and we do the same things.
You probably know a lot about working in your niche. And you in all likelihood do the same things, either because it feels safe, or because it has proven to give the results, you wanted.
But think for a moment… What if changing your routines a bit would bring you even better results,
Make this article a promise to your readers about how you will step out of your comfort zone and do something you have never done before. Invite your readers to do the same. You can follow up on this article when you have results to report.
This is how to use the Step Out of My Comfort Zone Article Template:
1: Write your routines down. What can you do to change them that seems really scary to you, but that has a big chance of improving your business,
An example could be that you normally write all your articles yourself, and to buy articles from a ghostwriter would be to step out of your comfort zone.
Or you usually only write posts on your own blog, and to contact a popular blog and offer to write a guest blog post for them would be another step out of your comfort zone.
It could also be swinging around from using AdSense on your website to produce your own product.
2: Come up with an attention grabbing headline.
3: Write an introduction to your article. Tell your readers why stepping out of your comfort zone is a good thing to do, both to build personality and to grow your business.
4: Write a blueprint for which things you plan to do, and when you intent to do it. By going public with your plans, you hold yourself responsible for actually bringing the plans into action.
5: Invite your readers to come up with their own plan to step out of their comfort zones.
6: Summon up your article in the conclusion, and lead into your resource box, if you are writing for article syndication, traffic or back links.