# The Speak Around Article Template
Usind article templates serves at least two major purposes:
1: It helps you keep a structure, and
2: It steers your around writer’s blocks.
The Speak Around Article Template is probably one of the best examples of the latter. It will make your inner muse sing with happiness. Try it – at least once. You’ll be hooked after that.
This is how you use the Speak Around Article Template:
1: Find a commonly known “speak around” expression (also known as a euphemism).
“she passed away” (instead of died)
“he’s batting for the other team” (instead of “he’s homosexual”)
“what the heck” (instead of “what the hell”)
2: Come up with a title. Include the speak around-expression in the title.
“R.I.P. Article Marketing”
“MySQL Databases – Have They Just Been Made Redundant,”
3: Write an introduction to the article, and explain the expression in the introduction.
4: Link this expression to something related to your niche.
5: Explain why this expression could be related to your niche. If you have more than one similarity, use bullet points to make the text easier to digest.
6: Conclude your article by summoning up similarities and differences from your figure of speech to your niche. Lead into your resource box, if you’re writing for article syndication, traffic or back links.