# The Niche Email Client Article Template
Some people really utilize their email client to automate as much of their work as they can. Others do not care and use whatever email client came with their operating system.
Write about your choice of email client and how it has helped you in your niche.
This is how to use the Niche Email Client Article Template:
1: What email client do you currently use, If you are happy about your choice, use it in this article. If it does not perform as you would like it to, do some research to find a better, and write about that instead.
2: Come up with an interesting headline. Will your article help your readers save time, Tell them about the benefits in the headline.
3: Write an introduction to your article. Are you currently using the optimal email client for your niche, If so, how long have you been using it, How did you find it back when you started, Was it difficult to get started using it, Was the learning courve steep or gentle,
4: Elaborate on your topic. Does your email client perform as you need it to, How can the reader improve its performance, Are you using add-ons that makes using the email client even more efficient, How does it help you in your niche and with your business,
5: Any other information your reader needs, For example, price; where to download; platform (Windows / Mac / Linux), etc.
6: Summon up your article in the conclusion, and lead into your resource box, if you are writing for article syndication, traffic or back links.