The Biggest Question Content Template
You probably want to get seen as an expert in your niche, but revealing a flaw will make you seem more human.
By admitting to your readers that you have a question unanswered will both make you seem more human and inspire communication. Both is great.
This is how to use the Biggest Question Content Template:
1: Do some brainstorming. What is the biggest question bothering right now, It could be how to make your neighbor’s dog stop barking; how to get more targeted traffic; or how to raise the conversion rate from 5 to 6%.
2: Come up with an attention grabbing headline. Share your question.
3: Write an introduction. Why is that question bothering you, Why haven’t you been able to find an answer yet,
4: Elaborate on your question. Explain how solving this problem could have a major effect on your business or life. By sharing your question and showing its importance, you will get your readers involved.
5: Ask your readers for help. Tell them to leave a comment with their thoughts or possible answers/solutions to your question.
6: Summon up your article in the conclusion, and lead into your resource box, if you are writing for article syndication, traffic or back links.