# The Whopping Whopper Article Template
Did you ever had to tell a lie, Or did it just slid out and then it was too late to repair your mistake, Do you often come up with a white lie, Or do you always tell the truth,
Or did somebody else tell you a fat lie,
This is how to use the Whopping Whopper Article Template:
1: It is time for some brain work, now. Be honest about it: Did you ever tell a whopping whopper to someone in your niche, Or did somebody tell you a lie, Pick either as a topic for this article.
2: Come up with an intriguing headline. Be secretive. Arouse curiosity.
3: Write an introduction to your article. Disclose your secret to the world. Did you tell a lie, or did somebody tell you one,
4: Elaborate on your topic.
If you told a lie: How did you feel about it, Is this something you often do, Why, Or why not, Do you believe in being honest or that white lies are okay, And that even bigger lies sometimes serve a purpose, Would you lie again, if circumstances forced you to,
If somebody told you a lie: How did you feel about it, Will you ever trust this person again, Have you stopped doing business with this person, or do you understand why he or she lied to you, Do you think it is allright to lie to you, or is it something you refuse to forgive,
5: Summon up your article in the conclusion, and lead into your resource box, if you are writing for article syndication, traffic or back links.