The War and Loathing Article Template
Even though you should be passionate about your niche and probably are, you will likely have areas that you like least about it. Maybe you even hate parts of your niche.
What do you hate about your niche and how do you handle those areas,
This is how to use the War and Loathing Article Template:
1: Think about which part of working in your niche you hate. Furthermore, make a brief mental note about what you do about them, or what you ought to do, maybe.
2: Come up with a funny and/or interesting headline.
3: Write an introduction to your article. What are the areas that you loathe, Why do you dislike them,
4: Elaborate on your loathing. What do you do to get those areas done anyway, Do you trick yourself into working on them, Do you postpone them forever, How do you think you should handle with them, ideally,
5: If you are not already taking care of the areas, you like least about your niche, make a promise in your article to do so in the future. And invite your readers to do the same. If you have a plan on how to do, write about it.
6: Summon up your article in the conclusion, and lead into your resource box, if you are writing for article syndication, traffic or back links.