# The Vision Board Article Template
Vision boards became the big thing with the movie “The Secret”. It is a board (electronic or real), you put pictures upon to help you reach your goal.
The pictures, you use, are the end goals. It could be your dream house, the country or place you want to live in, a dream car, a dream spouse, or anything you would like to obtain in your life.
Athletes are also known for visualizing success. They often listen to their coaches, who guides them through “seeing” all those pictures of victory behind their closed eyelids.
This is how to use the Vision Board Article Template:
1: Do you use a vision board, And if not, do you visualize success in a different way,
2: Come up with an intriguing headline about using or not using visualization and vision boards in your niche.
3: Write an introduction to your article. Tell your readers, whether or not you use a vision board, and whether or not you visualize in a different way.
4: Elaborate on your topic in the body of the article. What are your experiences, Did you obtain success either by visualizing or but not doing so, not even daydreaming,
Would you recommend that your readers use a vision board of a kind, Why, Or why not,
5: If you use a vision board, how did you create it,
6: Summon up your article in the conclusion, and lead into your resource box, if you are writing for article syndication, traffic or back links.