# The Recent Situation Advice Article Template
Online as well as offline, we get involved in situations all the time. When you feel that you handled a situation very well, tell your readers about it, and give them advice on how to deal with similar situations themselves.
Even if you did not handle the situation correctly, you can give your readers advice on how not to handle a situation, if they should find themselves in a similar situation as you.
This is how to use the Recent Situation Advice Article Template:
1: Pick a situation that your readers can learn from.
2: Create an attracting headline.
3: Write an introduction to your article, briefly summoning the situation, and let your readers know what they can gain by reading the totality of your article.
4: Elaborate on the situation in the body of the article. How did you overcome the obstacle, Did you handle it as well as you ought to, What could possibly have been improved, Should the readers handle the situation as you did, or can you tell them what else to do, Tell them why or why not.
5: Summon up your article in the conclusion, and lead into your resource box, if you are writing for article syndication, traffic or back links.