# The Read Today Article Template
Do you read,
Of course, you read, if you write, don’t you, Now you can write about something you read today and get rewarded by interested readers.
What you read doesn’t have to be anything related to your niche. It could be something that touched you, or made you angry, or happy, and which you in some way can later relate to your business.
This is how to use the Read Today Article Template:
1: Pick something you read today. It could be in a magazine, on a blog, in a newspaper, or anywhere.
2: Come up with a related headline.
3: Write an introduction to your article. It is a good idea to make a short summary of what you read, so that you are on the same page (pun intented) as your reader.
4: Write more in depth about what you read in the body of the article. At first, just state the facts.
5: What do you think about what you just read, Are you happy with it, Does it make you angry, Do you agree or disagree with it, Tell your readers about your opinion.
6: How can what you read today relate to your niche, Write about it in the last part of the body of the article.
7: Summon up your article in the conclusion, and lead into your resource box, if you are writing for article syndication, traffic or back links.