# The Quiz Article Template
All the popular magazines have one at least once a month: A quiz.
People love to learn more about themselves, and doing a quiz is an easy and fun way to do it.
At the end of the quiz, the reader counts the points he’s obtained, and then he gets a result and learns what he could improve and where he is already doing well.
Why not build your next article around a quiz, It is a perfect pre-selling tool, since you can form the questions in a way that guides the reader, or you can let them know when they are wrong, and what the correct answer is.
Let us take an example. Let us say that you are a copywriter, and you want clients. One of your quiz questions could be:
Q: Are you writing your own sales letters,
A: Yes.
B: No, I leave it to a professional copywriter.
When you elaborate on the answers, you could say something like:
It is a good thing to write your own sales letters. After all, you are the one who knows the product best. However, you would likely miss out on a lot of sales, because you do not know the tools and wordings a professional copywriter does. What you should do, then, is to start learning copy writing, preferably with a coach.
If you answered B, you are in the good hands. You can concentrate on doing what you do best – create the product – and leave the important part of writing the sales letter in the hand of professionals.
This is how to use the Quiz Article Template:
1: Come up with a topic. Where do you want to guide your reader to,
2: Create an attention grabbing headline. Include the word “Quiz” if possible, since people love quizzes.
3: Write an introduction to your article.
4: Come up with a few questions. All the “right” answers should lead your reader in the direction you want.
5: Summon up your article in the conclusion, and lead into your resource box, if you are writing for article syndication, traffic or back links.