The Plan and Think Big Article Template
Dreaming has never hurt anybody, and if you combine planning with a Think Big attitude, you might end up getting some real results.
With this article template, you can get closer to your dreams and help your readers do the same.
This is how to use the Plan and Think Big Article Template:
1: How should your life look one year from now, For the sake of this article, you should only consider financial goals. Do you want a big house, A new yellow Ferrari, An iPad, A new Mac,
List all the objects you want.
2: Find out how much they will cost you. If you plan to rent a house or buy and pay little by little, then get the price it will cost you per year. Add the amounts from all the other things you want to own a year from now.
3: Add the sums together. Divide the sum by 12. Now you know how much you should earn per month. Divide the total sum by 52, and you will know how much you should earn per week. Divide the total sum by 360, and you have the amount you should earn per day.
4: List your existing assets. What products do you sell, How much do they cost, How many will you have to sell per day to reach your goal, What if you made some back end products, How many would you then need to sell, By pinning it down in details, some seemingly unrealistic goals all of a sudden look much more doable.
5: Now it is time to write. Come up with a headline which shows your reader that you have a mathematical formula that can help them reach their goal.
6: Don’t go into details with your own goals. Just tell your reader, how he should come up with his own daily income goal based on the same calculations you just did.
7: Show him how he should figure out how many products to sell himself, or if there are other ways in your niche that he can obtain that figure, tell him about it.
8: Make it a challenge. Promise to write about how you did a year from now.
9: Summon up your article in the conclusion, and lead into your resource box, if you are writing for article syndication, traffic or back links.