The Movie Title Content Template
This article will be funny to write. If you feel blocked one day and don’t know what to write about, pick this template.
This is how you use the Movie Title Content Template:
1: Go to IMDb or another web page that lists a lot of movies.
2: Pick a famous movie title with more than two words.
“Gone with the Wind”
“Beauty and the Beast”
“The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”
The advantage of picking a well-known movie title is that your readers will already be familiar with it, and when they see your little twist to it (you’ll learn about that in a moment), they’ll be intrigued and dragged into reading your article.
3: Do a little brainstorming. How can you fit one of these titles into something related to your niche,
4: When you have it, use it for your headline.
“Gone with the Adobe Air”
“Beauty and the Bestseller”
“Alternative Operating Systems – The Good, the Bad and the Messy”
5: Write an introduction. Let your readers know what they can expect from your article, and how it can benefit him to read its full content.
6: Write the content body of your article. Tell your readers why you thought there was a connection between your chosen movie and your topic.
7: Summon up your article in the conclusion, and lead into your resource box, if you’re writing for article syndication, traffic or back links.