The Most Common Errors Content Template
We all make mistakes, and readers love this kind of article for several reasons:
* He can make certaint that he’s not making those common errorr.
* He wants to learn how to avoid the most common errors.
* He likes to feel proud, if he’s not committing any of those errors.
This is how you use the Most Common Errors Content Template:
1: Pick your topic.
2: Write down a list of the most common errors committed by people within your topic area.
3: Come up with a headline, mentioning the number of most common errors, e.g. “The Seven Most Common Errors Committed by Affiliate Marketers – Which Are You Guilty Of,”
4: Write an introduction to your article, and tell the reader why it’s important that he reads the full article, and what he can expect to gain from it.
5: Write a sub-header with each common error.
6: Elaborate on each of the common errors in at least one paragraph for each sub-header.
7: Write about how the reader can avoid comitting those common errors.
8: Summon up your article, and lead into your resource box, if you’re writing for syndication, traffic and/or back links.