The Miss Piggy Content Template
Not many characters are as hot tempered as Miss Piggy from the Muppet Show. Once in a while, you can use a bit of her personality in your articles. Be careful, though. When you’re writing controversial articles, people tend to become angry, so be ready to receive some virtual blows.
This is how to use the Miss Piggy Content Template:
1: Pick a topic where you disagree with the majority of people or with the leading persons in your niche.
2: Write an intriguing headline, and make sure to state your controversial opinion here.
“Was Jesus the Son of a Roman Soldier,”
“Why Promoting High-Priced Objects on Amazon Will Make You No Money”
“Skip Facebook and Move On to Pinterest”
3: Present your viewpoint in the introduction. In case it’s not common knowledge, you should explain why your way of seeing things are controversial. Avoid slapping anybody in their face with your hand back, meaning you shouldn’t be vulgar or go after the man instead of the ball.
4: Explain why you hold your opinion in the body.
5: Let your reader know some of the arguments your opponents use.
6: Summon up your article in the conclusion, and lead into your resource box, if you’re writing for article syndication, traffic or back links.