The Kick in the Backside Content Template
This article template will demand a good deal of understanding your audience from you.
We all need a kick in the backside once in a while to get started at a job we keep postponing for whatever reason we chose to believe in.
But if you tell your audience straight out to get off their butt and get started, you risk offending those who has already taken action. And if they get irritated, they’ll stop reading and leave.
So, kick gently.
This is how to use the Kick in the Backside Content Template:
1: Pick a topic where you know that you and others are likely to get blocked.
2: Write an intriguing headline. Try to arouse curiosity with your headline.
3: Introduce your article by creating report with your readers. Make sure they understand that you have yourself hit this obstacle in the past, and you might do it again, but that this article will help them get over it.
4: Explain why it’s important to get a gentle kick in the backside to get over this road block.
5: List a number of methods you use to stop procrastinating and getting things done. Elaborate on each point, and invite the readers to come up with their own motivational triggers.
6: Summon up your article in the conclusion, and lead into your resource box, if you’re writing for article syndication, traffic or back links.