The Half Glass of Water Content Template
It is said that there are two kinds of people:
– Those who look at a glass that is filled middle ways and says that it’s half full.
– Those who look at a glass that is filled middle ways and says that it’s half empty.
This is such a well known fact that even pessimists can see through it and will tell you that their glass is half full, just so that they’ll not get pointed out as pessimists.
But there are more obvious ways you can tell a pessimist from an optimist.
– They might tell you that their holidays are almost over when they are middle ways.
– They might tell you that they are almost out of money, when they still have money on their bank account.
What are the signs of a pessimist in your niche, Could he obtain better results if he were optimistic instead,
You can write your thoughts and advice in this article.
This is how to use the Half Glass of Water Content Template:
1: Pick your topic.
2: Write a headline that will catch the interest your target audience.
3: Introduce your article by letting your readers know why it’s important that they read this article.
4: Use story-telling to describe your topic and show how some people see this “glass” as being “half empty”.
5: Tell your readers why this is bad for them, and that they will obtain better results by using another pair of glasses to see through.
6: Give ideas to how they can change their attitude.
7: Summon up your article in the conclusion, and lead into your resource box, if you’re writing for article syndication, traffic or back links.