The Dream Investment Content Template
If money were no obstacle, what major investment would you like to make right now,
Is it something you just came up with, or have you wanted it for quite a while now,
Is it some physical goods like a new computer, an iPad, or a new smart phone, Or is it non-physical goods like a course in copy writing, a virtual agent, or just a service,
Whatever it is, this is the topic for your article.
This is how to use the Dream Investment Content Template:
1: Come up with a headline that will grab the interest of your target audience.
2: Write an introduction to your article. Which object would you invest in right now, if you had the money and the time to implement it,
3: Elaborate on your topic. Are you going to purchase this item, When do you think, you will make this investment, What is holding your back from buying it right away, Have you been wanting it for a long time,
4: Would a similar investment help your readers in the same niche as you,
5: Summon up your article in the conclusion, and lead into your resource box, if you are writing for article syndication, traffic or back links.