The Double Dare You Content Template
There is no better way to activate your readers and get yourself headed towards a result than to create a challenge.
So, with this article template, I dare you – nah, I double dare you! Take up this challenge, and you will win.
This is how to use the Double Dare You Content Template:
1: Come up with a challenge that can improve your position in your niche. It could be doing daily videos for a month, or writing daily blog posts, or writing and submitting one article daily to article directories, or taming one fierce wolf daily…
2: Challenge your readers to join you in the headline.
3: Write an introduction to your article. Make it clear, how you and your readers will grow during the challenge, and why it will be cool and fun to participate. Are you willing to giveaway a reward, If so, let your readers know in the introduction.
4: Expound on your challenge. What exactly are you going to do, How often, How long, What are the criteria,
Share all the information your readers will need to join you in your challenge.
5: Remember to share the dates your challenge starts and ends.
6: Encourage your readers to join you in this challenge, and ask them to tell the world about it. The more committed you all are, the better results you will get.
7: Summon up your article in the conclusion, and lead into your resource box, if you are writing for article syndication, traffic or back links.