The Don’t Content Template
One of the first words we ever heard in our life was “don’t”. “Don’t do that, Pete”, “Don’t spill your milk, Mary”. So when we see an article with a headline starting with “don’t”, we pay attention.
You can just as well use that psychological trick to write an eyeball grabbing article.
This is how to use the Don’t Content Template:
1: Pick your topic. If you’ve noticed common mistakes or stumble stones, use one of those areas. Or maybe you’ve experienced something yourself that you want to warn your reader about. Example: relationship problems.
2: Write your intriguing headline, starting with the words “don’t”.
“Don’t Commit This Common Relationship Error”
“Don’t Let Grammar Issues Drive You Nuts”
“Don’t Let the Holidays Become the Worst Part of the Year”
3: Write an introduction to your topic.
4: Elaborate on the problems people experience in these areas. Let them feel the pain, so they’ll keep reading your article, eager to find a solution.
5: Write a couple of paragraphs telling the reader what to do instead.
6: Write a conclusion and/or lead into your resource box, if you’re writing for syndication, traffic or back links.