The Cool Kaizen Content Template
You can really help your target audience with the article or blog post you are going to write, following this article template.
Better yet… You are also going to help yourself, because you will be able to pinpoint exactly what gets you going, when you need that extra kick.
You are going to get some help from the Kaizen method. It consists on finding and changing one small thing, which will eventually lead to huge results.
This is how to use the Cool Kaizen Content Template:
1: Tune in on one issue that bothers you as well as other people in your niche.
If you are in the health niche, it could be how to actually leave your comfortable couch and get out there running for 20 minutes.
2: Think back to times where you felt inclined to not do what you should do, like, for instance, do your morning jog. How did you manage to go out there, when you really felt more like sleeping half an hour longer,
Your Kaizen thing could be something simple as getting your jogging shoes.
3: What was the next tiny step, you took, to get started, Following the above example, it could be to put on your shoes.
Often times, such small changes are enough to start the steam pumps and get the machine running. You take one small step at a time, and it leads to the next.
Identify your steps, and share them with your readers.
4: Come up with an attention grabbing headline. Show them that you understand where they struggle.
5: Write an introduction to your blog post/article. Describe your problem, and tell your readers that you are going to give them a solution.
6: Describe the steps you take to get yourself motivated.
7: Summon up your article in the conclusion, and lead into your resource box, if you are writing for article syndication, traffic or back links.