The Congregate Content Template
Social marketing is hot, and there are thousands of forums and Internet portals or services ready to welcome you to mingle with other people or take part in the debates there. You have niche-related forums, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and hundreds of other platforms where you can congregate with your fellow niche brothers.
How much do you participate in those communities, Do you go there voluntarily and enjoy your time there, Do you feel you spend too much time congregating, Or do you have to force yourself to use at least a few minutes daily doing social marketing,
This is how to use the Congregate Content Template:
1: Come up with a funny or in other ways interesting headline. Mention at least one of the social communities in your niche to relate to those who already use it.
2: Write an introduction to your article. Tell your readers about the communities he can find in your niche.
3: Share your view on social marketing with your readers. Do you actively participate in any niche communities, Which are the best ones, What should the reader be aware of, Which stumble stones does he risk encountering,
4: What advice can you give your readers on how to spend their time congregating,
5: Summon up your article in the conclusion, and lead into your resource box, if you are writing for article syndication, traffic or back links.