The Behind the Mirror Content Template
Get up from your comfortable chair and go to the bathroom.
Take a look at yourself in the mirror. How do you look, Do you have brown hair and blue eyes, Are you tall and slender, Is your hair short,
Now close your eyes and imagine the mirrored you. A “you”, where every ability and characteristics are the opposite of what they really are. Do you have it, Instead of brown hair and blue eyes, you have red hair and green eyes. Your hair is long and not short, and you are not that tall and, well, not that slender.
But more importantly: Instead of being a natural writer, you are now somebody who makes videos with ease. And while the real you hate talking on a telephone, the mirrored you love it.
How would all this affect the way you work now in your niche,
Oh, before you run off to write the article, remember to look to the OTHER side, before crossing the road.
This is how to use the Behind the Mirror Content Template:
1: Do the above mind experiment.
2: Come up with an intriguing headline. Be creative. Be funny.
3: Write an introduction to your article. Let your readers know what this is about.
4: What would it mean for you, if you were the mirrored you, How would you work in your niche, Would it be good or bad, Can you use any of this in your niche, when you walk out of the mirror, and becomes the real you again,
5: Summon up your article in the conclusion, and lead into your resource box, if you are writing for article syndication, traffic or back links.